We Care About our Community

Community Giving at Kneaded Relief Day Spa & Wellness

At Kneaded Relief Day Spa & Wellness, giving back to our community has always been at the heart of what we do. We are proud to support organizations and initiatives that promote wellness and make a positive impact.

Due to the high volume of requests we receive, we are unable to donate to personal causes. To ensure fairness and alignment with our mission, we focus our contributions on organizations that support health, wellness, and women’s initiatives.

Donation Request Guidelines

To be considered for a donation, requests must be submitted in writing at least 30 days in advance and include the following details:

  1. Organization name and proof of non-profit status (if applicable)

  2. Brief description of the event, including purpose and objectives

  3. Date of the event

  4. Specific donation request (amount/type)

  5. How the donation will be used

  6. Contact name and information

  7. Fundraising goal or past event fundraising results

All requests are evaluated based on alignment with our mission and availability within our donation budget. We provide gift certificates for select services or products as donations; they cannot be exchanged for cash or extended.

How to Apply

Please email your request to Statia at statia@kneadedreliefdayspa.com. Due to high demand, only approved requests will receive a response.

Thank you for thinking of Kneaded Relief Day Spa & Wellness for your fundraising efforts!

Previous Donations

Below is a list of events and causes we have donated to in the past. Thank you for letting Kneaded Relief Day Spa & Wellness be a part of your worthy cause.

Access Community Health Centers
AIDS Network
Alliance for Animals
Alzheimers and Dementia Alliance
Alzheimers Association
American Family Children’s Hospital
American Heart Association
American Parkinson Disease
Angels Wish
Arthritis Foundation
Avalon Assisted Living Care
Bee Balm Learning center
Boys and Girls club
Breast Cancer Recovery Center
Breathe Yogathon Event
By Women for Women Golf Outing
CampKesem UW
Canopy Center Healing and Family Support Services
Children’s Miracle Network
Community Partnerships
Dane Buy Local
Dane County Humane Society
Faith Technologies
Fitchburg Public Library
Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness
Foundation for Madison Public Schools
Four Lakes SCUBA Club inc
Gilda’s Club Madison
Golfing for Greyhounds
Habitat for Humanity
Heartland Farm Sanctuary
HOPE House
Huntingtons Disease Society
Journey Mental Health Center
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Keep Wisconsin Warm Fund
Latino Chamber of Commerce of Dane County
Leukemia/Lymphoma Society
Logan’s Heart and Smile Foundation
LUNA Chix Madison Cycling
LUPUS Foundation of WI

Madison Area Firefighters
Madison Area Rehabilitation Centers, inc
Madison Childrens Museum
Madison Opera
Madison Zoo
Make A Wish Foundation
MARC-Madison Area Rehab Center
Miriam B White foundation
National Kidney Foundation
National MS Society
Navigating Autism
Partners in Giving
Perinatal Foundation
Rainbow Project
Rape Crisis Center
Restoring Hope Transplant House
Ride the Drive
River Alliance of WI
Safe Harbor
Salvation Army
Second Harvest Food Bank
Shelter from the Storm
Sierra club – John Muir Chapter
Sunshine House Inc
Susan G Komen Foundation
Transplant House
United Cerebal Palsy of Dane county
United Way of Dane county
UW Carbone Cancer Center
UW Hospital – Nurses Week
Waisman Center
WI Alliance for Women’s Health
WI Chamber Orchestra
WI Council of the Blind/Visually Impaired
WI Council on Children and Families
WI Medical Foundation Society
WI Parkinson’s Foundation
WI Women in Government
WI Women’s Health Foundation
Willy Street Fair
Zonta Club of Madison